Friday, March 5, 2010

The Long Wait Continues...

I didn't really want to write anything new until I had something new to write about. Alas, I couldn't help myself. I have no invite (yet!) but I do have some new info for ya'll. I recently went to Peace Corp event in downtown LA where there was a bunch of us applicants and a bunch of returned volunteers. It was cool chatting with the volunteers and even cooler to chat with the applicants. Its nice to meet people in the same situation as you--we were all anxious and excited. I even found myself answering a lot of questions because there were people in earlier stages of their application.

I also relented and finally called my placement officer. Well, actually placement desk, since I no longer know who my placement officer is. I called the business desk and I think the basic jist of what they told me was to be patient, and that they were currently working on May invites. I asked if they wanted anything, and offered an updated resume, which they happily accepted. So now i'm just waiting for spring to come and news to arrive. I'm determined to not pester them, so I might just wait for them to call me. Hopefully I'm patient enough.

1 comment:

  1. I was at the event at the Standard too, bummer we missed each other!
