Thursday, February 25, 2010

First Post!! - Timeline so far

So I'm finally doing it. I'm writing my first blog since I had a Xanga (rememeber those?) wayyy back in high school. I'm sure no ones going to read this, but I'm more doing this for my own memories of this crazy journey called Peace Corp. In this first post, I just want to highlight my own timeline so far as it pertains to the Peace Corp.

Feb. 21 2009 - started PC application

March 13 2009 - submitted PC application

March 26 2009 - interviewed for PC in Los Angeles office.

April 8 2009 - officially nominated for business development in Central Asia leaving June 2010!

May 20 2009 - received medical/dental packet

July 16 2009 - sent back in medical/dental packet

July 23 2009 - cleared dental review

Jan 25 2010 - notified I received letter in Sept 09' I had some medical follow-ups

Feb 9 2010 - finally medically cleared after sending follow up fax 2 days before

So as of now, I am just working and waiting for the Peace Corp to contact me again. Hopefully I'll get a call within the next month from my Placement officer. But, boy, this has been a experience in patience. It's been a whole YEAR since I've made up my mind to apply to the peace corp, and to tell the truth, the wait only makes me want it more. Crazy huh?

I'll hopefully be updating more as more happens and as I enter the Peace Corp (hopefully!).